Pledge of Allegiance
october dates
christmas gift help
summer vacation
Coral Denley
Drama spring play
health care partnership
winter break schedule
The Sutherlin Firefighter’s Association, Sutherlin School District, and Sutherln Lions Club Christmas Assistance Program is open and taking applications. Printed applications are available at all the schools and the district office.   Submission of the application does not guarantee acceptance into the SFFA Christmas Assistance Program. The deadline is November 27, 2023, by 5 p.m. Turn this form into the Sutherlin Fire Department or email this form to  Applications will be reviewed on 11/28-11/30, and phone calls or emails will be completed in the same week. If we do not hear back from you by 5 p.m. on December 1, 2023, your application will be removed for 2023. If you have any questions, email; this will be the quickest communication method. If you cannot send an email, you can leave a message for Jaklynn Callas at (541) 459- 1394; attempting to do anything other than leave a message at this number may result in information getting lost. Thank you for understanding.
What a great first week of classes! Our attendance numbers are up. We are so happy to welcome our returning and new students into the buildings. Our bus routines improved daily, and we will be up to speed by the end of next week. We appreciate your patience and understanding. Our community members who live around the schools would like us to remind parents not to block driveways and avoid stalling traffic if at all possible. They have things to do, and it is challenging when they can't leave their houses.   We have a long four-day weekend ahead of us, with no school on Friday, 9/1 & Monday, 9/4. We will see everyone on Tuesday, September 5th.
School Bus Safety
Back to School Schedules
Summer Food Program
School Calendar Update
Partners Sports Camp
Thank you board