Enjoy your time with family and friends today.
Sutherlin Les Schwab is sponsoring a winter coat drive. Please donate new or gently used coats for our local students and families. Thank you!
Winter Break Schedule
Sutherlin School District #130 is accepting applications for one (1) Full-time Instructional Assistant II at East. This includes benefits. For a Classified Application and Job Description please go to www.sutherlin.k12.or.us , click Human Resources Payroll and Jobs button. Come join the team of the Sutherlin School District!
Sutherlin Les Schwab is sponsoring a winter coat drive. Please donate new or gently used coats for our local students and families. Thank you!
Sutherlin School District #130 is accepting applications for two (2) Part-time Instructional Asst. We have an IA 1 at West and an IA 2 at East. For a Classified Application and Job Description please go to www.sutherlin.k12.or.us , click Human Resources Payroll and Jobs button. Come join the team of the Sutherlin School District!
Sutherlin School District #130 is accepting applications for a Mechanic / Repair position. This is full-time and includes benefits. For a Classified Application and Job Description please go to www.sutherlin.k12.or.us , click Human Resources Payroll and Jobs button. Come join the team of the Sutherlin School District!
Winter break is coming!
Sutherlin Les Schwab is sponsoring a winter coat drive. Please donate new or gently used coats for our local students and families. Thank you!
This toy drawing is another excellent opportunity for Sutherlin Families needing extra help this holiday season; this event is different than the Christmas Assistance Program.
Our schools use the Edustaff company to fill our substitute teaching positions. Follow the link to learn more about substitute teaching options. https://www.edustaff.org/
Sutherlin Valley Online Academy had a guest speaker today; Cooper Creek Creative owner Adam Sarnoski spoke of many of the professions available in our community. He is the creative mind behind some of our town's beautiful signs and the lighted trees in Central Park.
This toy drawing is another excellent opportunity for Sutherlin Families needing extra help this holiday season; this event is different than the Christmas Assistance Program.
This toy drawing is another excellent opportunity for Sutherlin Families needing extra help this holiday season; this event is different than the Christmas Assistance Program.
Fun holiday activities at the C. Giles Hunt Library tomorrow.
Fun holiday activities at the C. Giles Hunt Library this Friday afternoon.
This toy drawing is another excellent opportunity for Sutherlin Families needing extra help this holiday season; this event is different than the Christmas Assistance Program.
Parent/Caregiver Monthly Breakfast Café-Sutherlin
Oct. 7th, Nov. 4th, Dec. 2nd
TIME: 9-11am
Pop in when you can.
LOCATION: East Elementary School Library 323 E Third Ave. Sutherlin
The Sutherlin Firefighter Association, The Sutherlin School District, and the Sutherlin Lions club are working together to provide a 2022 Christmas Assistance Program. Applications are due by 11/28/2022 by 5 PM. Applications can be printed or picked up at any Sutherlin School or the District Office.
Enjoy the Thanksgiving break with your family. Students return to class on Monday, November 28th.